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223 Lithia Pinecrest Rd, Brandon, FL 33511 813-654-3444
Carman, Bevington & Finegan Blog

How Seemingly Minor Injuries Can Become Major Injuries if You Do Not Seek Medical Care

Have you been involved in an accident that left you with what you believed to be minor injuries? Maybe you walked away from a car crash with a few scratches and thought nothing of it because you felt okay. Or maybe you tripped and fell and brushed it off because all you felt was a little bit of pain.

Injuries like these may seem insignificant, but they can turn into major problems down the line. It is not uncommon for seemingly minor injuries to turn into major injuries if a person does not seek medical care. Speak with our Brandon personal injury attorneys at Carman, Bevington & Finegan, P.A., to get legal help if you were injured because of someone else’s negligence and want to pursue compensation.

Injuries Can Worsen With Time

It is common for some injuries to not show their full extent until a few days or even weeks after the incident. This is why it is important to seek medical care immediately after an accident, even if you do not feel like you are injured.

Some injuries, like whiplash, can lead to chronic pain and discomfort if not properly treated. If you do not seek medical care, the injury can worsen with time, making it even more difficult to treat.

Ignoring Injuries Can Be Costly

If you decide to ignore seemingly minor injuries, you are putting yourself at risk for further complications and even more medical bills. If an injury worsens over time, the cost of treatment will only increase. Not to mention, if your injury is preventing you from working or living your life normally, you could face lost wages and other financial burdens.

Minor Injuries Can Turn Into Life-Threatening Conditions

What may seem like a minor injury at first could turn into a serious, life-threatening condition if left untreated. For example, a tiny cut that is not cleaned and treated correctly can turn into a severe infection that spreads throughout your body. It is crucial to seek medical attention after an accident or injury to ensure that it is properly treated before it has the opportunity to escalate.

Seeking Prompt Medical Attention Can Help You Recover Faster

If you seek medical attention early on, you can receive proper treatment to help speed up your recovery time. Minor injuries may only need a bandage or a few days of rest, but it is always better to receive advice from a medical professional. You may be prescribed pain medication, physical therapy, or other treatments that will help you recover faster and reduce the risk of long-lasting damage.

Early Medical Records Can Be a Benefit in the Long Run

If the injury is severe enough, it will likely require medical intervention. If you have medical records that show you went to the doctor for the injury, it may provide evidence that the injury was sustained during the incident. The earlier you can provide medical records for any injuries, the safer you will be from insurance claims and legal problems.

Note: Keep in mind that under Florida Statutes § 95.11, you have four years from the date of the incident to file a lawsuit and demand compensation through the court system.

Speak With Our Brandon Personal Injury Attorneys Today

What may seem like a minor injury can turn into a major problem if not treated immediately and properly. Never ignore any injuries, no matter how minor they may seem. Getting proper medical care can protect your health and safeguard you from further financial problems down the road. Contact Carman, Bevington & Finegan, P.A., to get help with your legal claim. Call 813-305-0682 for a free case review.