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Carman, Bevington & Finegan Blog

Common Causes of Truck Accidents In Florida

Commercial trucks were involved in about 121,000 injury-causing crashes in a recent year, and these accidents can happen at any time in the Brandon area. Injured victims need to determine who was at fault for the accident so they can seek the compensation they deserve, and this begins with identifying the cause of the crash.

If you suffered injuries, a Brandon truck accident attorney can evaluate who might be liable for your losses. In the meantime, below are some common causes of truck accidents.

Driver Errors

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) reports that driver error is a primary cause of semi-truck crashes. Drivers can make many mistakes or errors in judgment, including the following.

Distracted driving

Truck driving can be a lonely and monotonous job, so it is no surprise that drivers try to find ways to keep themselves entertained. However, too many forms of entertainment cause serious distractions, including texting, calling loved ones, eating and drinking, having passengers, or even watching videos or movies on a tablet.

Fatigued driving

Despite clear restrictions on hours of service set by the FMCSA, many drivers continue to spend too long on the road and become fatigued. Other drivers might be within the hours of service limits, but they might have other causes of drowsiness, such as undiagnosed sleep apnea or other sleep disorders.


Not only should truck drivers always obey the posted speed limit, but they should also avoid driving too fast for conditions, including adverse road or weather conditions. When truck drivers speed, it makes it more difficult to stop the truck to avoid a crash when necessary.

Impaired driving

Even though truckers are responsible for large, heavy vehicles, some of them might use substances that cause impairment behind the wheel. This might include marijuana, alcohol, stimulants, or even prescription medication.

Improper Cargo Loading

The primary function of large trucks is to transport cargo, and cargo might be loaded and unloaded by drivers, independent crews, or other parties. When these parties fail to load and secure cargo in the proper manner, the cargo can shift and throw the truck off balance, often causing jackknife accidents. Unsecured cargo might also spill, causing chain-reaction traffic crashes on the highway.

Mechanical Defects

Trucks are complex machines, and many parts can fail and cause a driver to crash. These include:

Defects might occur because the part was defective from the start or due to inadequate maintenance and repairs of the rig.

Trucking Company Negligence

In some cases, an accident may be the result of negligence on the part of the trucking company itself. Some examples of ways in which trucking companies may be negligence include:

While truck companies can usually be liable for accidents caused by drivers, they can also be liable for negligence on the part of the company itself.

Let a Brandon Truck Accident Lawyer Assess Your Rights

After a truck crash, you want the law firm of Carman, Bevington & Finegan, P.A., on your side. Contact us to learn how a Brandon truck accident attorney can help seek compensation for your medical bills and other losses. Injury case evaluations are always free.